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Verb type: 1


  1. to spend (time), pass the time
    viettää iltaa ― to spend the evening
    viettää lomaa ― to holiday (Aus, NZ, UK), vacation (US)
  2. to celebrate, commemorate (basically always with a qualifier, such as viettää syntymäpäiviä (“to celebrate birthday, to have a birthday party, etc.”))
  3. (intransitive) to slope (down), incline


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart