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Verb type: 3


  1. to rise, get up
    Synonyms: kohota, (reflexive) kohottautua
    Antonym: laskea
    nousta ilmaan ― to take off, rise up in the air
    nousta ylös kuolleista ― to rise from the dead, resurrect
    Aurinko nousee aamulla.
    The sun rises in the morning.
    Jumpan jälkeen nouse lattialta varovasti.
    After the workout get carefully up from the floor.
    Esirippu nousee.
    The curtain rises.
    Kuumailmapallo nousi ilmaan.
    The hot-air balloon took off.
    Voiko lentokone nousta ilmaan vain yhdellä moottorilla?
    Can the airplane take off with just one engine?
  2. to rise, increase, go up [with accusative or adessive ‘by’]
    Hinta nousi kymmenen euroa / kymmenellä eurolla.
    The price went up (by) ten euro.
  3. to arise, appear
    Synonym: ilmetä
    Juuri esiin nousseiden asioiden takia projekti viivästyy.
    Because of the things that just appeared, the project will be delayed.
  4. to ascend
    Antonym: laskeutua
    nouseva sävelkulku (linguistics) ― ascending pitch
    Nouse portaat ylös ja käänny oikealle.
    Ascend the stairs and turn right.
    Maija nousi urallaan nopeasti.
    Maija's career ascended rapidly.
  5. to get up (from bed, get out of bed)
    Jos aiot ehtiä kouluun, sinun pitää nousta nyt.
    If you intend to get to school in time you have to get up now.
  6. to embark, to board [with illative]
    Hän nousi junaan Oulussa ja sen jälkeen häntä ei ole nähty.
    He embarked a train in Oulu and he hasn't been seen thereafter.
  7. to disembark [with elative]
    Synonyms: jäädä pois, jäädä kyydistä
    Hän nousi junasta Oulussa.
    He disembarked the train in Oulu.
  8. to get better, improve
    Urheilijan kunto nousi paremmaksi kuin viime vuonna.
    The sportman's fitness improved from last year.
    nopeasti noussut elintaso. ― the rapidly improved standard of living
  9. (informal) to become erect (of a penis)


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart