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Verb type: 1


  1. (transitive) to pull, drag, draw (to apply a pulling force)
    Antonym: työntää (“to push”)
    vetää pois ― to pull back, retract; pull in, retract
    vetää (lippu) salkoon ― to hoist (a flag)
  2. (transitive) to pull, to tug, to yank
    Synonym: vetäistä
    Vedä kahvasta aukaistaksesi oven.
    Pull the handle in order to open the door.
    Maija veti minua korvasta.
    Maija pulled my ear.
    Kello soi vasta, kun vedät narusta.
    The bell will ring only after you tug the rope.
  3. (transitive, figuratively) to attract
    vetää puoleensa (full form) ― to attract
    vetää yleisöä ― to attract an audience
    Hunaja vetää (puoleensa) kaikenlaisia pörriäisiä.
    Honey attracts all kinds of bugs.
  4. (transitive) to lead (direct with authority)
    Synonym: johtaa
    Vedän tätä ryhmää.
    I am leading this group.
    Puheenjohtaja veti kokouksen tehokkaasti.
    The chairperson lead the meeting efficiently.
  5. (intransitive) to blow (of a draft of air)
    Ikkunan luona vetää.
    There is a draft by the window.
  6. (transitive) to wind, wind up (a coil or spring used to power a mechanism such as clockwork)
    Kronometri täytyy vetää tarkalleen 24 tunnin välein, jotta se olisi mahdollisimman tarkka.
    The chronometer must be wound exactly every 24 hours in order for it to be as precise as possible.
  7. (transitive) to draw (produce something by dragging or moving a tool, like a pen or brush)
    vetää yli ― to strike (through/out) (draw a line over)
    vetää viiva ― to draw a line
  8. (transitive, of a toilet) to flush
    vessa ei vedä ― the toilet is not flushing
    Muista vetää vessa.
    Remember to flush the toilet.
  9. (transitive, of a container) to be able to contain (of a vessel, in terms of volume)
    Astia vetää vähintäänkin 15 litraa.
    The container should be able to contain at least 15 litres.
  10. (transitive, of tubing, wiring etc.) to place, install, lay
    Johdot on vedetty paikoilleen.
    The cables have been laid.
  11. (transitive) to pull in, ingest, inhale
    vetää henkeä ― to inhale, breathe in
  12. (transitive) to drag in, drag into [with illative] (get into a course of action by forceful means)
    vetää oikeuteen ― to bring to justice, to sue
    Miksi yrität vetää minut tähän riitaan?
    Why are you trying to drag me into this argument?
  13. (transitive) to withdraw, draw or pull away (often with pois or takaisin, or with a word in the elative case)
    Espanja veti joukkonsa Irakista ― Spain withdrew its troops from Iraq
  14. (transitive, usually atelic) to yank, punch (to throw, kick, hit etc. with a sudden, powerful movement)
    vetää turpaan ― to punch someone in the face
  15. (informal) to do (a); a highly generic verb; the exact meaning and translation depends on the context
    vetää läpi ― to complete, do completely
    1. (colloquial, transitive) to ingest, take (drugs, drinks, food, etc.)
      vetää viiva(a) ― to do a line; to use drugs nasally
      Pekka veti kakkua kuin viimeistä päivää.
      Pekka ate cake like there were no tomorrow.
      Mitä sä oot vetäny?
      What have you taken?
    2. (slang, art, music) to perform
      Vedetään biisi cis-mollista.
      Let's play this song in C-sharp minor.
      Bändi veti viimeisen keikkansa eilen.
      The band performed their last gig yesterday.
    3. (colloquial, transitive, sports) to shoot (the ball, puck, etc.)
    4. (colloquial, gaming) to beat (a level or a game)


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart