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Verb type: 3


  1. to come (move nearer)
    Milloin juna tulee?
    When is the train coming?
    Tule katsomaan!
    Come look!
  2. (impersonal + elative) to become, get, go, turn (noun, adjective, participle, etc.)
    Hänestä tuli rikas.
    He became rich.
    Heistä tuli hulluja. (in the plural, the partitive case is used)
    They became crazy.
  3. to become, get, go, turn [with translative] (adjective, participle, etc.; only very rarely a noun)
    He tulivat hulluiksi.
    They went crazy.
  4. to come into, get [with illative] (enter a state of being)
    tulla humalaan ― to get drunk
  5. (impersonal + genitive, auxiliary) to have to, be to, should, be supposed to [with first infinitive]
    Minun tulee tehdä tämä huomiseksi.
    I have to do this by tomorrow.
  6. (auxiliary) The auxiliary verb for emphatic future tense; the present tense is usually used instead as a future tense.
    Nimeni on Tapani ja tapani tulette tuntemaan.
    My name is Tapani and you will learn my ways.
  7. (auxiliary) Used to express the passive voice for arbitrary verbs [with translative of past passive participle]
    Hän tuli valituksi.
    He was chosen.
    Tapa tai tule tapetuksi.
    Kill or be killed.
  8. (auxiliary) Used to express the passive voice, particularly if the action is less definite, or in direct questions [with partitive of past passive participle]
    Mitä tuli sanottua?
    What did you say?
  9. (auxiliary) to manage to do (more or less unintentionally), to succeed in doing (more or less unintentionally) [with translative of past active participle]
    Hän tuli tehneeksi pahan virheen.
    She managed to make a big mistake.
  10. (slang) to cum, orgasm


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart