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Verb type: 2


  1. (transitive) to get, receive
    Saan huomenna paketin.
    I will receive a parcel tomorrow.
    Sain hyvän idean luettuani erään kirjan!
    I got a good idea after reading a certain book!
    Mitä sait joululahjaksi?
    What did you get for Christmas?
  2. (transitive, often passive voice) to afford (to give or bring forth; yield as natural result)
    Rypäleistä saadaan viiniä, oliiveista öljyä.
    Grapes afford wine, olives afford oil.
  3. (auxiliary + first infinitive) may, to be allowed, to be permitted; (restrictive) must; (in the negative) must (not), may (not)
    Saan katsoa televisiota.
    I am allowed to watch television.
    Saanko suudella kättäsi?
    May I kiss your hand?
    Kesto saa olla enintään neljä tuntia.
    The duration must not exceed four hours.
    (literally, “The duration is allowed to be at most four hours.”)
  4. (auxiliary + first infinitive, often in the conditional mood) to deserve, ought to
    Synonyms: (in the indicative or conditional mood) sietää, ansaita
    Saisit hävetä!
    You deserve to be ashamed! / You should be ashamed!
  5. (transitive, auxiliary + illative of the third infinitive) to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb)
    Saat minut nauramaan.
    You're making me laugh.
  6. (auxiliary + first infinitive) used in an indirect imperative sense, often with the addition of luvan
    Nyt saa riittää!
    Se saa luvan kelvata.
    It shall have to be good enough.
  7. (transitive, auxiliary) to get or make something done, manage to do (+ translative or partitive of the past active/passive participle)
    Oletan saavani paperit korjatuksi tänä viikonloppuna.
    I expect myself to get the papers corrected this weekend.
    Sain sen tehdyksi/tehtyä.
    I got it done.
  8. (colloquial) to get laid (by = ablative) (if the partner is mentioned)
    Tänä yönä aion saada!
    This night I'm going to get laid!
  9. (transitive, radio) to copy (receive a transmission successfully)
  10. (archaic, poetic or dialectal) to arrive, come
    Synonym: saapua
    Syksy saa.
    The autumn is coming.
    • 1971, Kari Kuuva (lyrics and music), “Pienen pojan haaveet”, performed by Jarno Sarjanen:
      Päivä mailleen saaPian ois aika uinahtaaMutt’ yö niin vilpoinen on taivaltaa
      I watch the setting sunThe time to sleep has begunBut the night's nice out here and walking's fun
      (literally, “The sun is arriving in its landsSoon it'd be time to sleepBut the night is so fresh for walking”)


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart