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Verb type: 1


  1. (transitive) to hold, grasp, grip [with partitive or elative]
    Synonym: pidellä
    Kynää pidetään näin.
    This is how you hold a pen.
  2. (transitive) to hold [with partitive; or with elative ‘onto’ (often with kiinni)] (have and keep possession of something)
    Synonym: pidellä
    Minä voin pitää laukkuasi. ― I can hold your bag.
    Minä voin pitää laukustasi kiinni. ― I can hold onto your bag.
    Ketkä pitävät valtaa tässä maassa? ― Who are the ones that hold the power in this country?
    1. (sports) to hold, to be in possession (of)
      Synonym: hallita
      pitää kiekkoa ― to hold the puck
    2. (sports) to dribble
      Synonym: kuljettaa
      pitää palloa ― to dribble the ball
  3. (transitive, usually atelic) to hold, keep (restrain; bear, carry, or manage; not to give way)
    Synonym: kestää
    pitää paikallaan ― to hold in place
    Nämä kengät eivät pidä vettä. ― These shoes can't hold water.
  4. (transitive) to keep, take; to not lose or give up
    Pidän tämän sisiliskon. ― I will keep this lizard.
    Pidä vaihtorahat.Keep the change.
  5. (transitive, usually atelic) to keep, preserve (hold the status of something)
    Pidä ikkunaa auki.Keep the window open.
    1. to keep, take care of
      Korkeasaaressa pidetään monenlaisia eläimiä. ― Many types of animals are kept in Korkeasaari Zoo.
  6. (transitive) to keep, store [with inessive or adessive ‘in’]
    Pidän tavaroitani tässä lipastossa. ― I keep my stuff in this chest of drawers.
  7. (transitive) to keep (remain faithful to a given promise or word)
    Sinunkin pitäisi kerrankin pitää lupauksesi. ― You should try keeping a promise for once.
  8. to like, be fond of [with elative; or with elative of verbal noun ‘to do/doing’]
    Synonym: tykätä
    Antonyms: inhota, vihata
    Minä pidän appelsiineista. ― I like oranges.
    Pidän omenoista enemmän kuin appelsiineista. ― I prefer apples to oranges. (literally, “I like apples more than oranges.”)
    He pitävät tanssimisesta. ― They like dancing.
  9. (transitive, usually atelic) to consider (to be), to assess, to see as [with essive]
    Synonyms: kokea, nähdä
    Minä pidän ihmisiä vihamielisinä. ― I consider people to be hostile.
    Annaa pidetään hyvänä opettajana. ― Anna is considered to be a good teacher.
    Pidimme koko asiaa vitsinä.We saw the whole thing as a joke.
  10. (impersonal + genitive, auxiliary) to have to [with first infinitive ‘(to) do’]
    Synonyms: tulla, täytyä
    Sinun pitää mennä töihin. ― You have to go to work.
    1. (in the conditional) should, ought to, be supposed to, would have to [with genitive (subject) and first infinitive ‘(to) do’]
      Synonyms: kuulua, tulla
      Meidän pitäisi mennä töihin. ― We should go to work.
  11. (transitive, usually atelic) to wear (clothes, etc.) (often with yllä or päällä, possibly with a possessive suffix)
    Synonyms: käyttää, (rare) kantaa
    Sisällä ei pidetä kenkiä. ― One doesn't wear shoes indoors.
  12. (transitive) to keep, own, maintain, manage, run, operate, keep up (an establishment or organization)
    Pidän kylän kauppaa. ― I keep the village shop.
  13. (transitive) to hold, organize, conduct, carry out (e.g. an event)
    Near-synonym: käydä
    Milloin aiot pitää syntymäpäiväjuhlasi? ― When do you intend to hold your birthday party?
    Hän piti kuulustelua syytetylle. ― S/he was conducting an interrogation of the accused.
    Pidän SAP-kurssia. ― I teach a SAP course.
    Pidetään tauko. ― Let's have a break.


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart