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Verb type: 1


  1. (transitive) to understand, comprehend, fathom
    En voi käsittää, että hän on poissa!
    I can't comprehend that he is gone!
    Käsitätkö, mitä tarkoitan?
    Do you understand what I mean?
    Käsittääkseni asia on niin.
    As I understand it, the matter is like this.
    Käsitin sen ironiaksi.
    I interpreted it as irony.
    Anni käsitti, mitä tarkoitin, jo puolesta sanasta.
    Anni understood what I meant from just a half a word.
  2. (transitive) to comprise, consist of, include, encompass, cover, span
    Ulkona on 10 henkeä käsittävä turistiryhmä.
    There is a tourist group consisting of 10 people outside.
    Tämä tehdas käsittää useita osastoja.
    This factory comprises several departments.
    Tutkimuksemme käsitti vuosien 1899 ja 1918 välisen ajan.
    Our study covered the period between 1899 and 1918.
  3. (transitive, archaic) to grasp, seize, catch


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart