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Verb type: 2


  1. to stay (behind), remain [with illative or allative ‘in/to’; or with illative of third infinitive ‘to do’]
    jäädä mieleento stick in one's mind
    jäädä tekemäänto stay (behind) to do
    on tullut jäädäkseen ― is here to stay (literally, “has come here to stay behind”)
    Jäin eilen kotiin, kun muut lähtivät kapakkaan.
    I stayed at home yesterday when the others went to a bar.
    jäädä Turkuunto stay in Turku
  2. to be left (over, behind)
    Asia jäi minun tehtäväkseni.
    The matter was left to me.
    Jäikö minulle yhtään ruokaa?
    Is there any food left for me?
    Älä käsittele sitä noin rajusti, siihen jää jälkiä!
    Don't handle it so roughly, you'll leave marks on it!
    (literally, “Don't handle it so roughly, marks will be left on it!”)
    Jos jaat kahdeksan korttia kolmelle tasan, montako jää yli?
    If you divide eight cards between three people evenly, how many will be left over?
    Bemmi jäi sierralle pahemman kerran.
    The Sierra left the Beamer in the dust, no competition.
  3. to end up (as), to become [with translative] (of negative or neutral states)
    jäädä leskeksito end up a widow
  4. to get off, disembark, depart [with inessive or adessive (location), along with elative (vehicle, often with pois)]
    Jää pois Vantaalla/Turussa.
    Get off at Vantaa/Turku.
    Jää junasta.
    Leave the train.
  5. to be caught, become it (in e.g. tag)
    You're it!
  6. (Can we verify(+) this sense?) (video games, colloquial) to die
    yks jäi, toinen jäi, ai, mä jäin.
    one dead, two dead, ah, I'm dead.


Indicative Conjugations

The present, imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect (past perfect) tenses in English correspond to "speaks", "spoke", "has spoken", and "had spoken".

Present tense conjugation chart

Past tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart

Pluperfect tense conjugation chart

Conditional Conjugations

The conditional present and perfect moods in English typically correspond to "would" and "would have".

Present tense conjugation chart

Perfect tense conjugation chart