Verb type 4
Type 4 verbs end in a -vtv pattern and are sometimes subject to consonant gradation.
Verbs ending in -ata/-ätä, -ota/-ötä, -uta/-ytä. For example:
Finding the stem for type 4 verbs can be done by removing the -t from between the two ending vowels. For example:
- Avata → Avaa-
- Kadota → Katoa-
- Älytä → Älyä-
Examples of type 4 verb conjugations
Positive conjugation | Negative conjugation |
Minä avaan | Minä en avaa |
Sinä avaat | Sinä et avaa |
Hän avaa | Hän ei avaa |
Me avaamme | Me emme avaa |
Te avaatte | Te ette avaa |
He avaavat | He eivät avaa |
Passiivi avataan | Passiivi ei avata |
Positive conjugation | Negative conjugation |
Minä katoan | Minä en katoa |
Sinä katoat | Sinä et katoa |
Hän katoaa | Hän ei katoa |
Me katoamme | Me emme katoa |
Te katoatte | Te ette katoa |
He katoavat | He eivät katoa |
Passiivi kadotaan | Passiivi ei kadota |
Positive conjugation | Negative conjugation |
Minä älyän | Minä en älyä |
Sinä älyät | Sinä et älyä |
Hän älyää | Hän ei älyä |
Me älyämme | Me emme älyä |
Te älyätte | Te ette älyä |
He älyävät | He eivät älyä |
Passiivi älytään | Passiivi ei älytä |
Type 4 verb gotchas
Depending on the meaning, the verb Tavata’s consonant can either gradate strongly or remain in its base form. Typically the verb would be used for when meeting someone, and in this case its consonant gradates strongly. But perhaps less frequently Tavata may also be used for when spelling or pronouncing a word letter by letter, syllabically or when deciphering something. If this is the case it does not gradate. More information can be found in this Wiktionary article(Opens in new window).
Type 4 verb crossovers
Occasionally some type 4 verbs will crossover and conjugate as type 6 verbs. Some type 4 crossover examples include:
Common type 4 verbs with consonant gradation
Not all type 4 verbs are subject to weak consonant gradation. In many cases the gradation is strong.
Some type 4 verbs where the consonate gradation is strong when conjugated include:
- Hypätä, to jump
- Kadota, to disappear
- Luvata, to promise
- Maata, to lie down
- Mitata, to measure
- Pelätä, to fear
- Pudota, to drop/fall
- Vallata, to seize