Abstract postpositions
Abstract postpositions identify where something is but in less concrete or movement implying ways.
Usage: After, since, within one’s experience
Finnish | English |
Hän tulee kymmenen jälkeen. | S/he comes after 10 o’clock. |
En ole kävellyt kauppaan auton ostamisen jälkeen. | I have not walked to the grocery store ever since I bought a car. |
Muutaman kuukauden kokemuksen jälkeen hän oli asiantuntija. | After a few months of experience on the job s/he was an expert. |
Usage: With
Finnish | English |
Syön Antin kanssa. | I eat with Antti. |
He tulevat ystävänsä kanssa. | They are coming with a friend. |
Hän matkustaa vanhempiensa kanssa. | S/he is travelling with their parents. |
Usage: In addition, along with
Finnish | English |
Lisäksi haluan sanoa että… | In addition I want to say that… |
Palkkasimme uusia työntekijöitä ja ostimme lisäksi myös uusia laitteita. | We hired new employees and in addition we bought some new equipment too. |
Sen tekeminen ei ollut fiksua, eikä myöskään turvallista. | Doing that wasn’t smart, and in addition it wasn’t safe either. |
Usage: At somebody’s place, by, near, close to, in front of, outside
Finnish | English |
Vietin yön ystäväni luona. | I spent the night at my friend’s place. |
Ystäväni viipyvät luonani viikonloppuna. | My friends will stay at my place over the weekend. |
Tapasimme aseman luona. | We bumped into each other by/in front of/outside the station. |
Usage: Much, about, amount
Verran typically is used to specify inexact quantities in comparison to something else.
Finnish | English |
Ostan litran verran mansikoita. | I’ll buy (about) a litre of strawberries. |
Jouduin odottamaan tunnin verran. | I had to wait for about an hour. |
Edistymme jonkin verran. | We are making some progress. |
Usage: Along, alongside, by, over
Finnish | English |
Tien varrella on pari ravintolaa. | There are a couple of resaturants along the road. |
Joen varrella on poroja. | There are some reindeer by the river. |
Vuosien varrella voi tapahtua paljon. | Over the years much can happen. |